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Items in: Blog

3 items

octubre 6, 2022

Malt, impulsor en el desarrollo profesional de los consultores SAP freelance

Malt impulsor en el desarrollo

En un entorno laboral cada vez más cambiante, Malt representa, para los expertos freelance y para las empresas, una revolución total del mundo laboral llevada a la práctica.  Hasta ahora, las empresas contaban en su mayoría con talento interno. Pero se ha constatado que más del 70% es incapaz de cumplir con sus objetivos de…

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abril 11, 2021

New Knowledge for old profiles!

the future of sofware develop in SAP

Learn and have fun! In Spanish there is a saying that goes «Renovarse o morir«. It is something like “adapt or perish” but sometimes this change can be boring or not very motivating. How do we learn and not die of boredom? The answer is easy, play and learn. In this post I will explain…

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marzo 6, 2021

SAP Guest Blogging #StammtischBCN

Hi. As you can see, we inaugurate our blog section, this will be a community blog to spread the SAP world.The idea is that our colleagues that are regulars at SAPStammtisch events in discord group have the possibility to publish entries in the new «Blog» section of this website. The motivation is to share knowledge…

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